Monday, January 7, 2008

Lets meet Meaty my Reading the Media class i have come to understand that there is a little(gigantic) monster that eats everything around us and poops it out into what we see. What is the name of this monster? MEATY.

Who is Meaty? Why do we take all of meaty's crap? Well, its sad, but we can't help it.

Lets take television for example. TV, one of the greatest inventions for meaty, is everything from entertainment, to religion, to politics(shout out to Bill O'Reily....HA). A person could literally never meet a real person, instead sit on a couch for years and watch tv and know how to interact in the real world without any problems(except the whole walking around thing). It is sad because everything we see has a filter, in other words, MEATY ATE IT.

Your jokes? Meaty ate it.
Your style? Meaty ate it.
Your laugh? chances are, MEATY ATE IT!

How can meaty eat so much and not get indigestion? Well, in fact, i do think that there are some things that result from meaty's over eating. In my Reading The Media class, for example, we recognize that meaty is simply gorging himself on us and our lives. The fact that we acknowledge meaty makes him spit us up a little.

Ok, now we have made it from being in the bubbling pits of meaty's stomach to slightly masticated semi-barf in the back of meaty's throat. Gross right? RIGHT. But hooray! We are only sort of a "Meaty-At-It" person!!! WOO! (oh and if you haven't caught on, "meaty-ate-it" is a play on words that really means "mediated", up to speed? cool)

K, lost my train of thought. I'll write again when i am more focused! See you then...